Potato salad with scallions & pickles

I never really liked mayonnaise, so always used to avoid a potato salad. Then I learnt that a combination of yoghurt and mayonnaise can transform the humble potato salad into something considerably lighter and more delicious - particularly when you have scrumptious Pink Fir Apple Potatoes from the farm. I also love adding in some chopped up gerkins. The little hits of sharp pickles really makes it for me.


Serves 4 (or less if you’re really hungry)

500g waxy potatoes (pink fir apple potatoes are my favourite)
2 tablespoons of yoghurt
2 tablespoons of mayonnaise
1 large gerkin (or a handful of tiny ones), finely chopped
2-3 scallions, washed and chopped finely
salt and pepper
1/4 teaspoon dijon mustard
a splash of olive oil
a squeeze of lemon juice (less than half a lemon)

  1. Wash and cut up the potatoes into bite-size pieces. You don’t need to bother peeling them.

  2. Boil in a large pan of salted water until the potatoes are just tender (I put them into the water when it’s cold and test them with a fork or sharp knife regularly).

  3. While the potatoes are cooking mix all the other ingredients.

  4. When the potatoes are cooked, drain and leave them in a colander or empty pan for a few minutes to let lots of steam escape.

  5. While they are still warm, add the potatoes to the dressing and stir. Adjust the seasoning if needed, adding more salt, pepper and lemon juice as required. .

  6. Serve while still warm, or later when cold, garnished with caledula petals.


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