Roasted Beets with Sour Cream & Mint

Preparing the first beetroots of the season is always an exciting moment. They are always so tender and delicious! As is often the case with my recipes, it is barely a recipe! These beetroots don’t need much to make them shine.

We served this warm beetroot salad with basmati rice (with buttery wilted beetroot leaves stirred through it) and falafel.

Serves 2-4 as a side

bunch of small beetroot
1 teaspoon olive oil
1 teaspoon apple cider vinegar
1-2 sprigs of mint
150ml sour cream (or yoghurt)
1 clove garlic
2 nasturtium flowers to garnish (optional)

  1. Trim and wash the beetroot. Roast the beetroot until tender using your preferred method. I put them in a casserole dish with a splash of olive oil and pinch of sea salt, then roast with the lid on in the oven at 160*C for 30 minutes or until they are tender. You can check they are soft by piercing them with a sharp knife.

  2. While the beetroot are cooking make the dressing. Chop 5-10 mint leaves into very fine strips (leave a few mint leaves for later). Mix 1 teaspoon of the olive oil, 1 teaspoon of cider vinegar, salt and pepper and the mint in a bowl then put to one side.

  3. Once the beetroot are cooked, leave until they are cool enough to handle, then peel them. Slice into rounds then mix into the dressing while still warm.

  4. Grate, crush or finely chop the garlic and mix into the sour cream with a pinch of salt.

  5. To serve, spread the sour cream over the bottom of your serving dish. Pile the dressed beetroot on top of the sour cream, then garnish with more sliced mint and nasturtium petals.


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