Airfryer Strawberry Shortcake

At the last Farm & Feast gathering, we concluded the feasting with a very tasty rhubarb and lemon bar that Claire had made for us all with some of our lovely organic rhubarb - a shortbread biscuit base with lovely rhubarb set custard type thing on top!

This is a variation of that recipe, that replaces the roasted rhubarb with strawberries, the lemon with lime and uses an airfryer instead of a normal oven! I thought a quicker and smaller and lower-energy (both yours and the electricity bill) would be handy.

This recipe is for a 6-inch round cake tin. That’s because my airfryer is pretty small (and round), but if you double all the quantities of the recipe if would fit a 20cm x 20cm square cake tin instead.

Makes a 6” round tart

50g butter
50g plain flour
25g cornflour
25g caster sugar
110g strawberries (weighed after washing and hulling)
juice of half a lime
1 large egg (60g)
80g caster sugar
2 level teaspoons plain flour (8g!)

  1. Melt the butter (I use a microwave).

  2. Weigh the plain flour, cornflour and caster sugar and whisk them together to break up any lumps.

  3. Add the melted butter and mix to a smooth paste. Push this into the bottom of a 6” round cake tin (with a removable base) and push it out to create a thin, even biscuit base.

  4. Cook this in an airfryer at 170*C for 10 minutes.

  5. After cooking, leave to cool in the cake tin.

  6. Use an immersion blender to whiz up the strawberries and the juice of half a lime

  7. Add caster sugar, the egg and sieved plain flour to the strawberry purree and whiz again briefly.

  8. Pour the strawberry mix into the cake tin, over the biscuit base, then cook in the airfryer at 150*C for 20 minutes

  9. Leave to cool completely and chill before pushing out of the cake tin and adding thinly sliced strawberries to the top.


Roasted Garlic Bulbs


Sri Lankan Onion Sambol & Garlic Yoghurt