Sweetcorn Ribs with Cowboy Butter

Sweetcorn ribs are delicious. But the fact that they are a Tiktok sensation makes me deeply suspicious! Is it really worth risking serious injury with a massive knife, just to cut your cobs into a slightly-easier-to-handle and far-more-instagramable shape and size.

Well, my conclusion from “ribbing” 20 cobs last week is yes. It’s not that hard to cut them up and they are pretty deliciously, paticularly when covered in Cowboy butter. In terms of the cutting, I have three top tips…

1) Use a large and very sharp knife

2) Cut them in half first, so you making mini-ribs, and you are not trying to cut the whole cob lengthways.

3) Trim the ends to make a flat surface, then cut them standing them upright on your chopping board. I rest the tip of the knife on the chopping board for extra stabiity and I cut steadily and carefully down through the half-cobs.

Eat eat with abandon… and a handful of napkins!

Sweetcorn Ribs with Cowboy Butter
(Makes 16 mini-ribs and more than enough cowboy butter)

For the butter:
125g butter, melted
juice of 1/4 lemon
1 cloves minced garlic
1/2 small shallot, finely chopped
1 tbsp dijon mustard
¼ tsp paprika
Small bunch chopped parsley
Small bunch chopped chives
1 tsp minced thyme
Pinch cayenne
Salt and pepper

For the ribs:
4 Corn on the cob, leaves removed

  1. First make the butter. Melt the butter in a pan

  2. Stir in lemon juice, minced garlic, finely chopped shallot, mustard, cayenne and paprika.

  3. Once combined, stir in the minced thyme, chopped parsley and chives.

  4. Season with salt and pepper.

  5. Pour into a bowl and set aside.

  6. Now, cook the ribs. Preheat oven to 200*C.

  7. Top and tail each corn cob.

  8. Cut each cob in half to get 2 mini cobs.

  9. Cut down the centre of the cob, then in half again so each mini cob is quartered.

  10. Toss lightly in vegetable oil. Season lightly.

  11. Place onto a baking tray kernels up, and bake for 25-30 mins.

  12. When ready, toss in the some of your cowboy butter and serve (with napkins).


Green Persian Stew


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