A Typical Farm & Feast Sunday Gathering

Farm and Feast Sundays are all about bringing our members together. They are about learning together, working together to achieve things on the farm and about eating together — sitting down for a big, well-earning feast! For me, they are the most important thing we’ve done to turn our membership into a community.

They are very special days and are probably what sets us apart from many other CSA schemes. We plant, learn, lunch and grow together as a community. Our members have been so brilliant about getting stuck in (whoever fancies it, or feels able) and together we have achieved so much on the farm this season. Long may it continue.

Schedule of the Day

An example Farm & Feast Gathering Lunch:

To nibble:

Grape & rosemary foccacia

To feast:

Spanakopita (garden greens & feta filo pie)

Roasted delicata squash with sour cream, chilli & scallions

Fennel, orange, radicchio & pomegranate salad with toasted seeds

Crispy roast potatoes

Homemade beetroot houmous

To finish:

Apple streusel cake & custard

Example Farming Tasks:

  • Creating new beds. Clearing, weeding, and mulching and planting.

  • Hedge trimming and re-purposing the trimmings into a ‘dead hedge’.

  • Building a dry stone fire-pit using some of the thousands of stone we’ve removed from beds!

  • Harvesting and curing onions and garlic.

  • Creating new paths with woodchip mulches.

  • Planting tomato plants in our polytunnel and creating supporting strings

  • Building and painting bird boxes.

  • Painting a huge Summer Solstice archway.

  • Making and painting birdboxes.

  • Creating a bug hotel

  • Harvesting seeds.

  • Creating a book swap library.

  • Painting a massive rainbow wall (not all technically farming tasks, but still so much fun!).