Reconnect. Nourish. Empower

Farm & Feast:
Our CSA Scheme

Join us - people who want to be connected to the food they eat, who want to connect with the earth and to fall in love with the humble vegetable.

Farm & Feast is a community-supported agriculture scheme producing truly delicious food in a way that regenerates and responds to the land and the ecosystem in which we live and grow.

Farm & Feast is based on a truly sustainable business model where we and our members share the risks, rewards and responsibilities of growing food.

About Us

Laurelbank Farm is a 7-acre organic smallholding just outside Saintfield Co. Down. As well as our Farm & Feast CSA scheme, we run workshops, a small farm shop and even host the occasional music gig in our event space The Gallery.

We sustainably farm with a purpose: to nourish ourselves, our community and our planet!