Why Farm & Feast is the best of the best!

It’s that time of year again! Time to launch our Community Supported Agriculture Scheme (CSA) - Farm & Feast, and this makes me very excited indeed!

It’s our third year inviting people onto the farm to share in the rewards of growing organic food. I genuinely believe there is nothing better than coming together, getting our hands in the soil, growing some vegetables and feasting as a community, when the work is done!

Why I set up Farm & Feast…

I could tell you that our current food system is broken. That we have all the technology we need as a species to feed ourselves. That as a planet we grow more calories that we need (though often not in the right place). That our issues with our food are systematic, logistical, and a result of the fact that much of our food is controlled by big businesses - motivated by making money, not by feeding our species in a fair, decent or nutritious way.

I could say that our food issues are people-based. That the relationship between people, and the food they eat is being pushed further and further apart. I could tell you that Farm & Feast is a model of growing food that is truly sustainable as it takes steps towards healing our relationship with food and our planet.

However, despite that being true, actually what I want is to bring people, you, everyone, along on this brilliant, joyful journey with me. I love growing food and eating it. I want to share the absolute joy that I get from knowing my land, growing my food, transforming that into meals for myself, my family and my customers.

Good food doesn't need to be difficult. It can create biodiverse, ecologically balance, healthy and beautiful landscapes. It can build healthy soil. But most of all it can be delicious and joyful.

Why you should join us…

For the vegetables! 28 weeks of seasonal, organic vegetables. Grown with love. Full of flavour.

For the recipes! With each veg box we send you a recipe. Don’t struggle with unusual vegetables or produce and have plentiful ideas of what to cook for yourself, or you family each week.

For the community! If you’re looking for people who like hanging out on organic farms you’re in for a treat! Seriously, the people are what this is all about. Young and old, families, couples, individuals - everyone is brilliant and I feel so lucky and proud to be part of this amazing community. Join us. You won’t regret it…

Don’t believe me?

Some highlights from our previous members…

“Every moment spent 'down on the farm', feeling the sense of community with the group and learning in such an easily accessible way (I was worried at the start that not being much of a gardener, it would be beyond me!)”

“Genuinely life changing. That may sound like hyperbole but I mean it. I expected to enjoy the food, produce, getting out and about — and I did — but it’s also helped my mental health, forged new friendships, and helped me reassess my relationship with the planet.”

“Cooking the recipes and having access to such a wide variety of top quality produce has been fantastic.” 

“The food, veg box and sense of community, the learning and connecting with the land, the kindness and inspiration, the recipes. The F&F days have been incredible. I feel I belong to something very special.”

“The weekly veg box has inspired us to be more creative and mindful about what we eat.”

“The quality of produce has been truly amazing. The sense of community that's been created has been brilliant. As a parent it is difficult to find children friendly events that are adult focused so it was so reassuring that so many other families were involved and the atmosphere was always very relaxed and welcoming.”

“F&F has been a real highlight of our year. We have relished the opportunity to get outdoors, feel some sunshine, get our hands in the dirt, meet lots of lovely new people, eat delicious food at the monthly events, and cook and eat even more delicious food using the wonderful produce.”

“OMG the tomatoes! (Especially the big ones!!)”



Miso Roast Leeks


Kissing In The Kitchen And Other Lessons For Life