Learning to Grow…
Enjoying a cuppa outside among the plants with my lovely SERC students on the last day of term - what could be better? (Thank you for the photos Susan V)
Last year, I was delighted to get a job with SERC (South Eastern Regional College) as a part-time lecturer. I taught organic veg growing every Tuesday morning at their small, but perfectly-formed Holywood micro-campus.
As part of my induction at SERC, I had many online presentations, quizzes and tasks to do. One was an interesting module about mental health awareness. I watched a SERC employee online explain five ways to support mental-wellbeing.
They were:
1) Learn something new
2) Get active, move your body
3) Be outside
4) Be part of a community, do things with others
5) Give something
And something immediately struck me. The classes I was teaching had the potential to be much more than a way for a small group of enthusiastic adults to learn a bit more about growing veg. These classes tick all the boxes! They were a mix of theory and practical learning. We got to get outside each week – move our bodies – sow seeds, weed, plant and harvest. We were obviously learning lots each week and I was surprised and delighted at what a lovely community formed from a random gathering of classmates. I give a lot of my care and time when teaching, but get it back from my class in energy and thought-provoking questions, enthusiasm and generous gifts at the end of term!!
No wonder, my Tuesday morning classes were such a highlight of my week last year.
And no wonder, I’m so keen to continue on with my teaching journey, right here at the farm this year. The plan is to launch a Growing Academy. A place for people to come and learn – learn the theory, but also get hands on practical experience on this 7-acre organically certified farm. If you want to make growing vegetables add up commercially, you’ve got to find the easiest and best ways to do things! And that’s the information I love to give to my students to take home to their gardens and allotments. Let’s make growing your own fruit and veg as joyful and simple as possible.
Why not make 2024 the year you start to grow what you eat, or eat what you grow! Find out all about The Growing Academy, our Organic Fruit and Vegetable Growing Course here!
Celebrating the end of a successful course at SERC with my amazing students!